I.      Amir D. Aczel. The Mystery of the Aleph: Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the Search for Infinity. Pocketbooks, 2001. (A $10.50)


1.      Gray, Quincy G.


2.      Madriles, Louisa


3.      _______________________________________


4.      _______________________________________


          II.      Amir D. Aczel. The Riddle of the Compass: The Invention That Changed the World. Harvest Books, 2002. (A $10.40)


1.      Escajeda, Myrna


2.      Urias, Rodolfo E.


3.      Chavando, Gabriel


4.      Correa, Daniel


       III.      Bella Bathurst. The Lighthouse Stevensons: The Extraordinary Story of the Building of the Scottish Lighthouses by the Ancestors of Robert Louis Stevenson. Harper Perennial, 2000. (H $4.95)

1.      Meza, Ahmed


2.      Villamar, Alex


3.      De Regules, Karl-Lutz


4.      Fragoso, Rene



        IV.      David Berlinski. The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea that Rules the World. Harcourt, 1999. (D $4.98)


1.      Aragon, Julia


2.      Aldana, Juan Ramon


3.      Alba, Omar


4.      _______________________________________

           V.      Clark Blaise. Time Lord: Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time. Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2000. (D $4.98)


1.      Serna, Alexis


2.      Varela, Gerardo


3.      _______________________________________


4.      _______________________________________


        VI.      Rachel Carson. Silent Spring. Houghton-Mifflin, 1962. (A $11.20).


1.      Calanche, Vanessa


2.      Romero, Rebeca


3.      Peralta, Karina


4.      _______________________________________


     VII.      Adrian Desmond. Huxley: From Devil's Disciple to Evolution's High Priest. Perseus, 1997. (D $6.98, H $4.95)

This book is longer than the other books on the list – it has about 650 pages.


1.      Frausto, Ody


2.      Crinzi, Alessandro


3.      Avitia, Erika


4.      Castillo, Perla


  VIII.      Apostolos Doxiadis. Uncle Petros and Goldbach’s Conjecture. Bloomsbury, 2000 (D $2.98)


1.      _______________________________________


2.      _______________________________________


3.      _______________________________________


4.      _______________________________________



        IX.      David Ewing Duncan. Calendar: Humanity's Epic Struggle to Determine a True and Accurate Year. Bard Books, 1999. (H $3.95)


1.      Romero, Sonia


2.      Salas, Jose


3.      Luera, Julissa


4.      Reyes, Claudia


           X.      Philip L. Fradkin. Magnitude 8: Earthquakes and Life Along the San Andreas Fault. University of California Press, 1999. (D $4.98)


1.      Gonzalez, Hector


2.      Orozco, Manuel O.


3.      Garcia, Daisy


4.      Ambriz, Ulises


        XI.      Robert Friedel. Zipper – An Exploration in Novelty. Norton, 1994. (D 4.98)


1.      Munoz, Javier


2.      Pena, Julian


3.      Granados, Christopher


4.      _______________________________________


     XII.      Gina Kolata. Flu: The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1999. (A $4.98)


1.      Gant, Vince


2.      Diaz, Michelle


3.      Caballero, Jessica


4.      Diaz, Manny


  XIII.      Thomas S. Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press, 1996. (A $9.60)

This book develops a theory of scientific revolutions – it might be harder to read than most of the other books.


1.      Lyons, Paul A.


2.      _______________________________________


3.      _______________________________________


4.      _______________________________________


  XIV.      Scott McCartney. Eniac: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World's First Computer. Walker, 1999. (D $5.98)


1.      Adan, Batista


2.      Luna, Steve


3.      Quintana, Miguel


4.      _______________________________________


     XV.      Robert P. Moses and Charles Cobb, Jr. Radical Equations. Beacon Press, 2002. (A $11.20)


1.      Duran, Ricardo


2.      Gabaldon, Ricardo


3.      _______________________________________


4.      _______________________________________


  XVI.      Ivars Peterson. Newton’s Clock: Chaos in the Solar System. Freeman, 1998. (D $5.98)


1.      Aguilera, Octavio


2.      Quintana, Miguel A.


3.      Hernandez, Jorge


4.      Rosales, Heladio A.



XVII.      Nina Rattner Gelbart. The King’s Midwife: A History and Mystery of Madame du Coudray. University of California Press, 1998 (D $6.98)


1.      Marquez, Nubia


2.      Gonzalez, Jessica


3.      Prieto, Alba A.


4.      Monreal, Vince


XVIII.      Dava Sobel. Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time. Penguin, 1996. (A $9.56)


1.      Champagne, Chris


2.      Edwards, Dianne


3.      Gandara, Luis


4.      Orpinel, Renato


  XIX.      Dava Sobel. Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love. Penguin, 2000. (A $11.20)


1.      Guardiola, Marisol


2.      Delfin, Edgar


3.      Gonzalez, Jacob


4.      Reyes, Ernesto Jacinto