Homework 3 - Introduction to Analysis - Fall 97

The problems are due on October 9. This is an individual assignment.

Problem 1. Prove or disprove the following statements:
  1. If x is an accumulation point of tex2html_wrap_inline86 , then x is an accumulation point of A, or x is an accumulation point of B.
  2. If x is an accumulation point of tex2html_wrap_inline98 , then there is an tex2html_wrap_inline100 so that x is an accumulation point of tex2html_wrap_inline104 .
  3. If x is an accumulation point of A and x is an accumulation point of B, then x is an accumulation point of tex2html_wrap_inline116 .

Problem 2. Prove the following: If tex2html_wrap_inline118 is a sequence so that tex2html_wrap_inline120 has at least two accumulation points, then tex2html_wrap_inline118 diverges.

Problem 3. A sequence tex2html_wrap_inline124 is called proper, if tex2html_wrap_inline126 for all tex2html_wrap_inline128 .

  1. Show that a proper bounded sequence converges, if tex2html_wrap_inline130 has exactly one accumulation point.
  2. Show that 1. fails if we omit the hypothesis that the sequence is bounded.
  3. Show that 1. fails if we omit the hypothesis that the sequence is proper.

Problem 4. Let 0<r<1 and let tex2html_wrap_inline118 be a sequence satisfying


for all tex2html_wrap_inline136 . Show that tex2html_wrap_inline118 converges!

Problem 5. Let tex2html_wrap_inline140 be a Cauchy sequence, and let tex2html_wrap_inline142 be any 1-1 function. Show that the sequence tex2html_wrap_inline144 is Cauchy.

Helmut Knaust
Wed Sep 24 11:21:20 MDT 1997