Homework 5 - Introduction to Analysis - Fall 97

The problems are due on November 4.

Problem 1. Given a set tex2html_wrap_inline78 , we say that x is an interior point of A, if A is a neighborhood for x. We let int(A), the interior of A, be the set of all interior points of A. Show that the interior of a set is the union of all open sets contained in the set:


Problem 2. p. 109, Problem 39.

Problem 3. Let tex2html_wrap_inline94 be a decreasing sequence of non-empty compact sets, i.e., tex2html_wrap_inline96 for all tex2html_wrap_inline98 . Show that


Problem 4. Find a decreasing sequence tex2html_wrap_inline94 of non-empty closed sets, so that


Problem 5. Show that the function tex2html_wrap_inline102 is continuous on tex2html_wrap_inline104 , if and only if the pre-image tex2html_wrap_inline106 is open for all open sets tex2html_wrap_inline108 .

Helmut Knaust
Fri Oct 31 12:03:31 MST 1997