CRN 12257: Projects

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Project 6 (Chapter 8)

  • 10. Prelude: The real numbers (17 min.)

  • 11. p-adic norms (11 min.)

Project 5 (Chapter 14)

  • Things to do: Answer all questions in Sections 14.1-14.3 and 14.5.
  • 9. Two Mathematica Notebooks (8 min.):

Project 4 (Chapter 11)

  • Mathematica Notebook: 4SeqSer.nb
  • 7. Introduction to Project 4 (15 min.):

  • Things to do: Read and answer all the questions and exercises in Sections 11.1-11.5. Do not do Section 11.6.
  • I know that many of you want to become teachers. The learning theory behind a class like ours was first articulated by the Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky and centers around the concept of Zone of Proximal Development. If the textbook does not suffice as MKO: your instructor is just a Zoom screen away.

Project 3 (Chapter 9)

  • 6A. Addendum (<1 min.):

  • Things to do:
    • There are lots of definitions in the text. Make sure you understand all definitions.
    • Exercise 12-14, Questions 13-18, 9.5.3. (If you have the book: Exercise 2-4, Questions 1-6, Question 9.5.3.)
    • Prove as many conjectures of yours as possible.

Project 2 (Chapter 3)

  • Mathematica Notebook(s): 2Euclid.nb
  • 4. Introduction to Project 2 (18 min.):

  • Things to do:
  1. Explain how and why the EA works.
  2. Investigate Questions 1-6. What are your conjectures? Why are your conjectures true?
  3. (Skip Section 3.4.)
  4. Investigate the questions posed in Section 3.5: Are there GCD and EA for polynomials?
  • 5. Speed test: EA vs. PF (<2 min.):

Project 1

  • I have assigned teams on Blackboard. Please contact your other team members via Blackboard and start working on the first project.
  • 1. Syllabus and Introduction (18 min.):

  • 2. Intro to the Project and Mathematica (16 min.):

  • Here is a direct link to the Reflection form. You need to download it to your computer.
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