Mathematica Demonstrations
From Classes
To view most of the demonstrations, you need to install the free Wolfram CDF player (or have Mathematica installed on your computer).
- Congruence Classes of Geoboard Triangles
- Newton's Method When There Are No Roots (Calculus)
- Dyadic Cascade Algorithm for Daubechies Wavelets (Wavelets)]
- The Discrete Cascade Algorithm (Wavelets)
- Kiesswetter's Function (Analysis)
- Parliamentary Seat Allocation by the Sainte-Laguë Method
- Nullcline Plot (Differential Equations)
- Two-Parameter Families of Systems of Linear Differential Equations (Differential Equations)
- Trace-Determinant Plane (Differential Equations)
- Harmonic Oscillator (Differential Equations)
- Rearranging the Alternating Harmonic Series (Analysis)
- Body-Mass Index
- Balsa Glider (Differential Equations)
- Bungee Jumping (Differential Equations)
- Lorenz Equation (Differential Equations)