CRN 17910: Technology Info

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  • How to install LaTeX on Windows or Macs:
  1. Download and install MiKTeX. You need internet access for the installation.
  2. Make sure you have Adobe Reader DC installed.
  3. Download and install an editor, such as TeXMaker. Configure the PDFLateX option.
  • How to install LaTeX on Linux:
  1. Skip Step 1 above: LaTeX should already be installed.
  2. Make sure you have Adobe Reader DC (or another PDF reader) installed.
  3. There is a version of TeXMaker for Linux. Configure the PDFLateX option.
  • Some examples of LaTeX files:
  1. barebones.tex | barebones.tex with more examples
  2. BA.tex | To run the .tex file you also need to download the images: Boole.jpg | Huntington.jpg | Stone.jpg
  3. The same as a Beamer presentation: BAtalk.tex | BAtalk.pdf | To run the .tex file, in addition to the three images above, you will need: JMM.PNG
  4. A multiple choice quiz
  5. A PDF fillable form: PDF_Form.tex
  6. $\LaTeX$ is part of MediaWiki and other software on the Internet\[\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2}=\frac{\pi^2}{6}\]
  • Resources:
  1. Wikibook LaTeX
  2. LaTeX Tutorials - A Primer
  3. The Not So Short Introduction to $\LaTeX$
  4. A LaTeX crash course
  5. The standard book reference is: Leslie Lamport, LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, Addison-Wesley, 2nd Edition, 1994.


Turtle draw.jpg

"Logo is the name for a philosophy of education and a continually evolving family of programming languages that aid in its realization." (Harold Abelson)

Computer Algebra Systems


Geometry Software


Geometer's Sketchpad


RPN Calculators

Personal tools
