Helmut Knaust - Research Interests
Functional Analysis, in particular Banach Space Theory. Some Combinatorics,
Topology and Metric Fixed Point Theory.
Research Papers
Lambda-Hyperconvexity in Metric Spaces, with M.A. Khamsi, N.T. Nguyen & M.D. O'Neill.
Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 43 (1) (2001) pp. 21-31.
On Asymptotic Structure, the Szlenk Index and UKK Properties in Banach Spaces,
with E. Odell & Th. Schlumprecht.
Positivity 3 (1999), 173-199.
Some Isomorphic Preduals of l1 Which Are Isomorphic to c0.
Rocky Mountains Journal of Mathematics 27 (1997), 181-186.
Angelic Spaces with the Ramsey Property.
pp. 267-273, in: "Interaction Between Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Probability,
Proceedings", N. Kalton, E. Saab, S. Montgomery-Smith (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York,
p-Hilbertian Subsequences in l1(X).
Contemporary Mathematics 144 (1993), 159-163.
Orlicz Sequence Spaces of Banach-Saks Type.
Archiv der Mathematik 59 (1992), 562-565.
Array Convergence of Functions of the first Baire-class.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 112 (1991), 529-532.
Weakly null sequences with upper
lp-estimates, with Edward W. Odell.
pp. 85-107, in: "Functional Analysis, Proceedings, The University of Texas at Austin, 1987-89",
E. Odell, H. Rosenthal (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1470, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
On c0 Sequences in Banach spaces, with E. Odell.
Israel Journal of Mathematics 67 (1989), 153-169.
MR Citations (110 total)